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Leadership Means Elevating the Game

Today I was watching an interview with Vivek Ramaswamy, who had run for the 2020 primaries and obviously, didn't win. When he was asked what his reflections were on his performance, he replied that his one regret was that he focused so much attention on fighting and...

The X-Factors for Diverse and Inclusive Leadership

It’s no surprise that numerous studies have shown the link between the lack of a diverse and inclusive workplace culture and employee turnover.  And with turnover costing US companies $1T annually, inclusion is an area that leaders can’t afford to overlook. To...

Change Management, Culture, and DEI are All About Marketing

I think of the work I do in organizational change, culture change, and DEI as internal branding and marketing. Indeed, to get employees on board the ship and buying into a change, you first need to make that change attractive enough to catch their attention. ...

Diversity Can Help Your Business Be More Successful

The year 2020 changed the face of how businesses operate on a daily basis, not just because of the new work-from-home setups, but also because of the protests that occurred around the country and the world against institutionalized racism. More people than ever...

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